
"Can I make cornbread?" I asked my mom as she was still laying in her bed this morning. 

"Sure," she said. "Go turn the oven on. Press Bake. 3-5-0. Start."

I repeated "bake 3.5.0. start" as I headed back towards the kitchen.

My mom finally came down and pulled up a recipe on her phone. She got some of the ingredients for me, like the baking powder, flour, and sugar. 

I got to work measuring and mixing. I asked my mom how much butter to put in the microwave. She said, "Five and 1/3 tablespoons." I cut the butter and put it in the bowl my mom handed me. I put the butter in the microwave for thirty seconds and got back to mixing.

I poured the batter into the pan and mom put it in the over.

That's when we heard the microwave beep. "What's in the microwave? Did you remember to put the butter in?" she asked.

"Oh no!" I thought. How would the cornbread taste without butter? 

Mom said, "No big deal," as she pulled the pan back out of the oven. We poured the butter in and mixed it all up again.

Then we put it back in the oven.

25 minutes later, the cornbread was ready and turned out yummy!


  1. Thank goodness for that microwave beep. I wouldn’t have wanted to see how disappoint you would have been if the cornbread didn’t come out delicious. I knew you really wanted cornbread today. Your dialogue really helped to bring your story to life! ❤️ mom

  2. Maybe you want to change the recipe up a bit and not add the butter until the very end every time. Maybe you are on to a new baking trend. I'm glad it was yummy.

  3. I enjoyed reading your narrative!

  4. I enjoyed the dialogue in this slice.

  5. It's fun to bake with your mom! My daughter always wants to bake but I don't love it. I want to eat all the baked goods, which isn't so good for me, and often my baking doesn't turn out the best . I'm glad your cornbread was successful and fun!

  6. I LOVE cornbread Adi!!! I bet it tasted really good!

  7. Now I want cornbread! Any left? I like the moment you realized your forgot the butter. I can picture your mom, calmly, pulling the cornbread out to add that final ingredient! Imagine if the microwave didn't beep!! It would have been butterless cornbread!! Thanks for sharing!


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