It was a regular school day. We were working on unfinished work. It was so fun (It was actually pretty boring). "Come sit on the floor," my teacher said sternly to my class. He sounded mad. I was so scared. "What did we do now," I thought to myself. Mr. Stillway said, "What are you guys doing?" in a mad voice. Everyone was confused because we didn't think we did anything wrong. Then he said, "I got an email from Mr. Veteri (our principal) and it said that we aren't following the Whale Pillars or being respectful, honest, safe, and kind." The note said that some of us had to stay back in fourth grade. We were surprised but Nate had a grin on his face. Then, Mr. Stillway jumped up. It was the fastest I ever saw him move. He said, "Happy April Fools Day!" We were so mad at him. Everyone said things like, "You tricked us!!!" Mr. Stillway was so happy. He was laughing and he was bragging that he was the GOAT at tricking ...
"Can I make cornbread?" I asked my mom as she was still laying in her bed this morning. "Sure," she said. "Go turn the oven on. Press Bake. 3-5-0. Start." I repeated "bake 3.5.0. start" as I headed back towards the kitchen. My mom finally came down and pulled up a recipe on her phone. She got some of the ingredients for me, like the baking powder, flour, and sugar. I got to work measuring and mixing. I asked my mom how much butter to put in the microwave. She said, "Five and 1/3 tablespoons." I cut the butter and put it in the bowl my mom handed me. I put the butter in the microwave for thirty seconds and got back to mixing. I poured the batter into the pan and mom put it in the over. That's when we heard the microwave beep. "What's in the microwave? Did you remember to put the butter in?" she asked. "Oh no!" I thought. How would the cornbread taste without butter? Mom said, "No big deal," as she...
It was a sunny day and me and my family were going to The Bronx Zoo because we had a four day weekend. On the way we wondered, "what kind of animals will we see there?" "Are there polar bears?" said Wren. When we finally got to the zoo, we walked in and showed a lady our tickets. Then we walked to the first animal which was zebras. We did a lot of walking that day. I kept looking for the goats. But we never saw them because the farm exhibit was closed that day. But we did, turtles, giraffes, elephants, and tigers. My favorite was the seals. There were all sleeping on the rocks. I kept wishing one would jump off and go for a swim. After we saw everything at the zoo, I was happy but tired of walking. We thought we were walking the right way to the car, but we weren't. We had to walk across the whole zoo again to find our car. When we finally got to the car, I was ready to sit. It was a fun day.
This tells your readers a lot of fun facts about you. ❤️ Mom