Every Monday, my sisters and I have a sleepover with my Mimi and Pop. We call it Mimi Monday. We usually have to wake up at 6:30 because my mom works in Westport and must be there by eight. My sisters and I hate waking up at 6:30. My Mimi and Pop work at a pizza place called the Parlor (My uncle owns it). The only day they have off is Monday, so it is a perfect day of the week to have a sleepover. We get to sleep an extra hour. 

"Yay, it is Mimi Monday," my sister said excitedly. "Tomorrow, we get to wake up at whatever time we want," I said. I had to pack if I wanted to go. My Mimi came over to our house to get us. She stayed for dinner because we had a lot of leftover food from Easter. I had penne alla vodka and ham. After we ate we went to my Mimis house. My Mimi let us watch TV, we watched American Idol. We watched for almost an hour. Me and my sister Wren were acting silly ๐Ÿ˜œ because we were so tired. Next, we went upstairs to bed. I didn’t want to sleep on the bunk bed because it was uncomfortable, so Wren offered for me to sleep with her. This sleepover just got better. Me and Wren stayed up for 30 minutes talking about the randomness of things. We were super tired so we went to ๐Ÿ›Œ I fell right asleep ๐Ÿ’ค ๐Ÿ˜ด .  I woke up at 8:00 and was eager to have the day off. 


  1. I like to read slices about about getting along with your sisters. I’m glad you had a fun Mimi Monday. ❤️Mom


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