
“Five minutes left,” said Ms. Booska. I was in art and we were making dinosaurs for our dinosaur egg. It was very hard because there was a lot of steps. Once I heard five minutes I started rushing so I could get it done. I was trying to put spikes on my dinosaur. I had to cut a lot of triangles. I tried going as fast as I could but my triangles were all different sizes because I was rushing. As I was cutting a triangle, Ms. Booska said, “Start cleaning up!” 

“Oh no,” I thought. Then when we were cleaning up it was so hectic. My table was so dirty and I still had to finish cutting my triangles. I rushed to get it done. I didn’t glue them on but I put them in my dinosaur egg. My table was still dirty. A few people came to help us. 

Luckily, we got everything cleaned up by the time Mr. Stillway came. 


  1. I can’t wait to see all of these amazing dinosaurs. I’m glad you have kind friends that help you clean up! ❤️ Mom


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