It was a rainy afternoon. I was at school, and it was almost time for recess."Are we going to have outdoor recess or indoor recess?" Jennabelle said. "Look outside," Mr.Stillway said. Most of the class knew it was indoor recess. That means Mumdinomite.
Mumdinomite is a fun, simple yet thrilling game. You throw a ball to someone, and they have to catch it. Sometimes, Mr. Stillway spices things up with a challenge like 'one-handed bandit ', where you have to use one hand. The room fills with silent laughter as we try not to talk or laugh. Mr. Stillway, our beacon of humor, tells us funny things, and he even has songs about the most unexpected topics, like diarrhea.
I was playing Mum Dino-mite. The game was going smoothly until I was in the final three. I was against my best friends. It was soon the top two. I had some good catches. The last throw I was out at least it was 🤩 .
You have some interesting word choices here..."our beacon of humor" that what Mr. Stillway calls himself or was Grammarly giving you some suggested word choices?!? Sorry you lost. At least you had fun. That's what it's all about after all. ❤️ Mom
ReplyDeleteIt was Gremmarly❤️Adi
ReplyDeleteI love playing this game when it is indoor recess. My favorite part is to watch the student's of 202 hold in their laughter or explode with laughter because they cannot hold it in any longer. You have become one of the "all-stars" of the game. You are consistently in the final 3, but you are a stone when it comes to laughing. I DO NOT THINK I WILL EVER GET TO MAKE YOU BURST INTO LAUGHTER. Between this are much better at this game than your sister. 😉😁🤫. I will deny ever saying this if she asks me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for teaching me about a classroom rainy day game. I love how you included dialogue and details which helped me to make the movie in my mind of your classroom. I felt like I was there. And I especially like your ending. You zoomed in and told it slowly, creating suspense. I was hoping you would be the winner. But congrats for being 2nd.