Soccer game
Saturday morning, I had my first soccer game of the spring season. I was excited and I wanted to score a goal. As I was warming up, I was thinking to myself, "we're going to win!"
Once the game started, I was playing midfield. I was happy because it's basically offense and you get to run up. So as we started, I played. I was tough. I had some good kicks and I had some good passes. I was really on fire. Maybe it was because of my new cleats! We scored three goals and ended up winning 3-1. I was really proud of us.
When the game was over, it was time for my favorite part of the game, the snacks! We brought them and the juice was super refreshing.
I spy your fidget in this photo! I wish I got to see your tough self playing soccer. I got a few updates during the game and the pictures made my day. I'm glad you had fun and felt proud. I can't wait to watch you play again. ❤️ Mom