

 It is the day of a slice of life.❤️❤️❤️❤️.  I did all thirty days. It is my third year doing my blog. It was very fun and I've become a better writer. Some days it was fun. Somedays I was busy or I couldn’t think of an idea. I AM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF.


There are only 5 more days until my birthday. Here are five things I am really excited about: 1. I get to spend the day with my grandparents. 2. I'm going to be double digits. 3. I like cake...chocolate is my favorite. 4. I like presents. I like opening them and finding a surprise. 5. My birthday is finally on a weekend. I've been dreaming of having my birthday on a weekend for YEARS!

My Garden

 Last year, I got a garden for my ninth birthday. I loved it. My dad and I decided to put it in the backyard, by the shed. We soon realized that it was not the best spot. It didn't get enough sun. My garden hardly had any vegetables all summer.  So this year, we decided to move it a more sunny place. My grandma came over to help. She's so crazy about gardening. First we took all of the dirt and sticks out of the garden. We used the wheelbarrow and a lot of pots that my Grandma brought. Then, we carried the garden to it's new spot. Then we put everything in. First we started with sticks, then leaves, and finally we put all the dirt back in.  We had planted some seeds in the house. We decided to plant the lettuce in the garden. I'm excited to see it grow.

Soccer game

 Saturday morning, I had my first soccer game of the spring season. I was excited and I wanted to score a goal. As I was warming up, I was thinking to myself, "we're going to win!"  Once the game started, I was playing midfield. I was happy because it's basically offense and you get to run up. So as we started, I played. I was tough. I had some good kicks and I had some good passes. I was really on fire. Maybe it was because of my new cleats! We scored three goals and ended up winning 3-1. I was really proud of us. When the game was over, it was time for my favorite part of the game, the snacks! We brought them and the juice was super refreshing.


 "Andrew's mom will be coming to do a craft later," Mr. Stillway said. All day, I couldn't stop thinking about the craft and what it would be. Finally, it was 12:30, and Andrew's mom came in. She showed us what we would be making. It was a caterpillar fidget, and I love fidgets. It fit me. It was made out of plastic Easter eggs and two pipe cleaners. We had to put the pipe cleaner through the holes in the eggs. When all of the eggs were on, we had the option to put googly eyes. It was really fine. Mine turned out good. I love playing with it. 


 Today, my sister had soccer practice. I had to go because my other sister had a middle school orientation. My friends from school were there because their sisters were also on Rose's team, so I decided to just play with them.  When I met up with them, we played a scrimmage. I was the goalie, and Maya and Grace were against each other. Next we had a bunch of competitions like who could do better cartwheels and cool tricks. Maya was the judge. I won a lot of the rounds.  When practice was over, we had to go home. I think I'll go back next time. 


“Five minutes left,” said Ms. Booska. I was in art and we were making dinosaurs for our dinosaur egg. It was very hard because there was a lot of steps. Once I heard five minutes I started rushing so I could get it done. I was trying to put spikes on my dinosaur. I had to cut a lot of triangles. I tried going as fast as I could but my triangles were all different sizes because I was rushing. As I was cutting a triangle, Ms. Booska said, “Start cleaning up!”  “Oh no,” I thought. Then when we were cleaning up it was so hectic. My table was so dirty and I still had to finish cutting my triangles. I rushed to get it done. I didn’t glue them on but I put them in my dinosaur egg. My table was still dirty. A few people came to help us.  Luckily, we got everything cleaned up by the time Mr. Stillway came.